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Time For Running

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  • Introduction //
  • Care

Acquired dacryocystitis can be acute or chronic. Acute dacryocystitis is heralded by the sudden onset of pain and redness in the medial canthal region. An insidious onset of epiphora is characteristic of chronic inflammation or infection of the lacrimal sac.

A special form of inflammation of the lacrimal sac is that of congenital dacryocystitis, the pathophysiology of which is intimately related to the lacrimal excretory system embryogenesis. Dacryocystitis has long been noted to occur more frequently on the left side than on the right side. In many instances, the nasolacrimal duct and lacrimal fossa formed a greater angle on the right side than on the left side.

  • Treatment: The treatment of dacryocystitis depends upon the clinical manifestations of the disease.Acute dacryocystitis with orbital cellulitis necessitates hospitalization with intravenous (IV) antibiotics.Purulent infection of the lacrimal sac and skin should be treated similarly. Hospitalization is not mandatory unless the patient's condition appears serious.Patients with chronic dacryocystitis caused by a partial or intermittent nasolacrimal duct obstruction may benefit from topical steroid drop treatment.Congenital chronic dacryocystitis may resolve with lacrimal sac massage, warm compresses, and topical and/or oral antibiotics. Permanent complete occlusicion of lacrimal passage needs a new by-pass reconstruction called DCR Surgery.