Eyelid Deformity

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Eyelid Deformity

Eyelid Deformity

Eyelid Deformity

Time For Running

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Eyelid Deformity

  • Overview //
  • Care

Excess upper eyelid skin laxity can result in an aged or tired appearance. In more severe cases, the extra skin can lead to visual field impairment. Sometimes fat herniation in the eyelid can also contribute to upper lid fullness. In this procedure, skin incisions are hidden in the crease of the upper eyelid and extra skin and fat is removed. This can improve the appearance of the eyes, making you look more youthful and rested.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty may be used to remove fat herniation and loose skin that forms on the lower eyelid with age. Younger patients may also elect to have this procedure done to eliminate puffiness below the eyes from congenital excess fatty tissue. Lower blepharoplasty can be approached via several techniques including incisions below the eyelashes or hidden in the lower eyelid. The approach will depend on an individual patient’s needs.